Adaily Inspiration Week #1: AI campaigns from 2023 or 2022

fot. DALL-E / AI

The approach of brands to innovation and creativity in marketing is constantly evolving. Particular attention is drawn to the increasing use of artificial intelligence, which is revolutionizing the way companies communicate with their audiences. Below we present a compilation of five selected campaigns from 2022 and 2023 that effectively utilize the potential of AI, demonstrating the diversity of brand approaches. This selection is part of the weekly newsletter ’Adaily Inspiration Week,’ created by adaily.

1. “A.I. Ketchup” – Heinz

Rethink Toronto • 2022

Heinz did an AI-generated image campaign using advanced technology to prove its status as the definitive ketchup.


The challenge of this campaign was to keep the 153-year-old brand, Heinz Ketchup, fresh and relevant in the cultural conversation, particularly with younger audiences. The brand wanted to show that Heinz is the definitive ketchup while participating in the popular text-to-image AI generator trend. The goal was to engage tech and art fans, demonstrate the brand’s cultural relevance, and generate buzz and conversation around Heinz ketchup.

Target group

The target group of this campaign was younger audiences, specifically those who were tech and art fans. The goal was to keep the 153-year-old brand of Heinz Ketchup fresh in the cultural conversation and maintain relevance with this demographic.


The main idea of the campaign was to prove that Heinz is the definitive ketchup by participating in a cultural conversation around text-to-image AI generators. By using the advanced AI image generator DALL-E 2, Heinz showed that even to AI, ketchup looks like Heinz. The campaign engaged with a younger audience of tech and art fans, generating earned media coverage and high social engagement. The goal was to keep the 153-year-old brand fresh and relevant.


The campaign generated over 850 million earned impressions worldwide, which is 2500% more than the media investment. It received coverage in leading trade, art, tech, and lifestyle media outlets such as Fast Company, Bloomberg, TechCrunch, and Forbes. On social media, the campaign achieved an engagement rate that was 38% higher than previous campaigns. Additionally, other brands like Ducati and Sportsnet joined in and requested AI ketchup image mashups. Overall, the campaign successfully showcased Heinz as the definitive ketchup and generated significant buzz and attention.

2. “The Autism Journey” – Telefonica’s Vivo

Africa São Paulo • 2023

Vivo launched „The Autism Journey” campaign using artificial intelligence to update visual communication cards for autistic people.


The challenge of this campaign was to update the visual communication cards for autistic individuals in Brazil. These cards have not been updated in almost 40 years and are crucial for helping autistic people communicate with their families and the world. The goal was to improve the cards by using artificial intelligence and an online platform to make them more personalized and engaging for individuals with autism. The campaign aimed to promote a different and immersive experience for autistic people and to strengthen human relationships by using the most revolutionary technology available. The cards were designed to be user-friendly for autistic individuals, with colors and typologies that are more appealing to them.

Target group

The target group of this campaign is people with autism in Brazil, specifically those who have difficulty in communicating with their families and the world. The campaign aims to provide them with updated visual communication cards that can help them in their communication and interaction with others.


The main idea of the campaign was to update the visual communication cards used by autistic people in Brazil through an online platform that utilizes artificial intelligence. The project, called „The Autism Journey,” was launched by Vivo in partnership with AMA – Association of Autistic Friends. The aim was to improve communication and engagement for autistic individuals by creating personalized cards based on their interests and passions. The platform was designed to be user-friendly for autistic people, with colors and typologies that are more accessible to them.


The results of the „The Autism Journey” campaign by Vivo in partnership with AMA – Association of Autistic Friends were positive. The campaign aimed to improve communication for people with autism in Brazil through updated visual communication cards. Through an online platform powered by artificial intelligence, autistic individuals and their families could access and create personalized cards based on their interests and passions. The platform utilized a neural network that analyzed billions of online data to enhance human relationships and communication with autistic individuals. The campaign received positive feedback from users, as it provided a new and immersive experience for autistic individuals, allowing them to engage more with their surroundings and communicate more effectively. The personalized cards catered to their specific interests, making it easier for them to understand and interact with the information. The platform was designed to be user-friendly and accommodating to individuals on the autism spectrum, taking into consideration their sensory preferences by using appropriate colors and typography. The campaign’s success lies in its ability to bridge the communication gap for people with autism, empowering them to express themselves and engage in meaningful interactions with others. By utilizing technology and AI, Vivo and AMA have made significant strides in improving the lives of autistic individuals and their families in Brazil.

3. „The Dream Tapestry” – The Dali Museum

Goodby Silverstein & Partners San Francisco • 2022

The Dalí Museum did a collaborative art experience using OpenAI’s text-to-image AI to create The Dream Tapestry.


The challenge of this campaign was to combine art and AI technology in a way that would engage the public and create a unique immersive experience. It involved developing a text-to-image AI capable of generating visual representations of users’ dreams, and then combining these dreams into a cohesive tapestry. The campaign aimed to showcase the power of AI in the creative process and encourage visitors to explore the intersection of art and technology. Additionally, managing the logistics of gathering and displaying over 56,000 dreams in the museum presented a logistical challenge.

Target group

The target group of this campaign was visitors to the Dalí Museum who were interested in exploring the intersection of art and artificial intelligence. The campaign aimed to engage art enthusiasts, technology enthusiasts, and anyone curious about the creative possibilities of AI.


The main idea of this campaign was to use OpenAI’s text-to-image AI to allow users to visualize their own dreams and combine them with others’ dreams to create a collaborative artwork displayed in the Dalí Museum’s gallery on the Dream Tapestry. The campaign aimed to explore the theme of dreams and inspire creativity and imagination through the use of AI technology.


The campaign resulted in over 56,000 dreams being generated using OpenAI’s text-to-image AI. Participants were able to visualize their own dreams using the AI, and these dreams were then combined with others to create The Dream Tapestry. The Dream Tapestry is a large-scale immersive display featured in the Dalí Museum’s gallery as part of the exhibition, The Shape of Dreams, which explores dream-inspired paintings spanning 500 years. This collaborative art experience offers visitors a unique opportunity to see their dreams come to life alongside others in a visually stunning installation.

4. “The Mainichi Newspapers AI Rapper” – Mainichi Shimbun

Hakuhodo Tokyo • 2022

Mainichi Shimbun did a newspaper reinvention campaign using artificial intelligence to turn articles into rap songs for young people.


The challenge of this campaign was to engage young people who were uninterested in traditional newspapers and get them interested in consuming news content. The newspaper needed to adapt to the digital age and find a way to communicate with Gen Zers in a way that resonated with them.

Target group

The target group of this campaign was young people, specifically Gen Zers, who were uninterested in reading newspapers but engaged with social media platforms like TikTok.


The main idea of this campaign was to update the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper to better serve young people, without sacrificing its dedication to journalism. The campaign aimed to engage Gen Zers by using artificial intelligence to turn newspaper articles into rap songs, which were released on social media in the form of lyric videos. The goal was to make the news more accessible and entertaining for young people, while still addressing the important issues covered by the newspaper.


The campaign was successful in engaging young people and generating interest in the news. Two videos shared on TikTok received a total of 2.13 million views and 260,000 likes. The Mainichi Shimbun received positive feedback and young people became more engaged with the news. The comments section on TikTok became a lively forum where previously disinterested Gen Zers discussed the issues. The newspaper plans to further develop the AI technology to convert various articles into rap songs and continue evolving with young people.

5. „Cookie Factory” UNESCO

DDB Paris • 2022

UNESCO did a campaign to raise awareness about AI ethics by developing an extension called The Cookie Factory, which allows users to create fake online identities using modified cookies.


The challenge of this campaign was to raise awareness and educate the public about the ethical issues surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in relation to privacy and data protection. The goal was to emphasize the need for an international ethical framework for AI and to highlight how AI can potentially infringe upon human rights. The UNESCO aimed to make this complex topic relatable by focusing on the familiar issue of online privacy and personal data protection. The campaign sought to engage the public by offering an extension called The Cookie Factory, which allowed users to assume fictional online identities by generating fake cookies.

Target group

The target group of this campaign was the general public, specifically individuals who use the internet and are concerned about the issue of online privacy and data protection. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the ethical issues posed by artificial intelligence and the importance of protecting personal data online.


The main idea of this campaign was to raise awareness and sensitize the public to the ethical issues surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). The UNESCO developed an online tool called „The Cookie Factory” which allowed users to adopt a fictional identity by creating fake cookies. The aim was to highlight the importance of protecting privacy and personal data online, and to demonstrate the need for ethical guidelines in the development and use of AI. The tool allowed users to temporarily replace their cookies with those of a chosen fictional profile, showcasing the potential impact and implications of AI algorithms on individuals’ online identities.


The results of this campaign by UNESCO were positive in terms of raising awareness about the importance of privacy protection and the ethical implications of artificial intelligence. The Cookie Factory extension allowed users to adopt fictitious online identities by generating fake cookies, enabling them to experience the potential risks and consequences of sharing personal data online. This campaign aimed to engage the public in the debate on privacy and AI ethics, and it successfully achieved its goal by sensitizing people to these issues.

The original version of the article appeared in the ’Adaily Inspiration Week’ newsletter.